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Opining On Anticipated Election Season Behavior



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To the Editor,

It’s officially campaign season in Newtown!

That time of year when we put down our cups of sugar and take up our pitchforks. When we trade our slogans of “Nicer in Newtown” and “Be Kind” for “Nastier in Newtown” and “Be Right.”

When candidates running for office are expected to battle in the court of public opinion exclusively on social media, and if they are not manning (or woman-ing) their digital forts 24/7 and instead try to have conversations and direct human contact, they are accused of not being transparent. When candidates are put in a box of ideological stereotypes just because they have a specific letter designation next to their names and so condemned by those of the opposite letter who do not look to bridge positions but to argue why they are right.

And when that digital dialogue ensues, it is also not for the purpose of understanding a particular candidate’s point of view, but rather to make a spectacle for those watching in the cheap seats (don’t forget to thumbs up). A time when private groups that were initiated to nurture respectful dialogue transform into situation rooms used to further bash candidates and strategize voting, but not before you learn the secret handshake and pledge your allegiance to gain entry.

So whether you are butter side up or butter side down, assume positions behind your electronic device of choice and ready for battle with your loving neighbors. And please, if you cannot be kind to each other, at least be kind to the lawn signs.

(I write this in my individual capacity and not as a member and Vice-Chair of the Board of Finance.)

Sandy Roussas


Comments are open. Be civil.
  1. saxon9075 says:

    Very good idea. We should be able to disagree on policy, yet remain amicable neighbors. But What is this Electoral contest you talk about ? Both parties, (and a made up party) have endorsed Mr. Rosenthal for First Selectman. This will ensure that we have three Democrats as Selectpersons. (Mr. Rosenthal as First selectman taking the required minority party seat and two Democrats getting the next highest vote totals.) Although he is no oligarch, we in effect are living in a one party state. Why should I bother to vote ?

    1. ryan knapp says:

      There are many reasons to vote including a decision on who will be on the Board of Education, a town body which accounts for about twice the local spending as Mr. Rosenthal and the Board of Selectmen. There are also full slates on the Board of Finance and Legislative Council, each of which act on the budgets before they go to the voters in April. It also decides who will be on Planning and Zoning with all the concerns about how our town develops It is a very important election.

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