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Historical Society To Host 'Women's Work In WWII,' Monday



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We’ve all heard the phrase “The Greatest Generation,” used to describe the men and women who fought in World War II, but what of the girls they left behind? The war caused profound changes at home and Newtown Historical Society, in conjunction with C.H. Booth Library will look at some of them in a presentation by John Cilio, “Women’s World in WWII,” on Monday, September 14. The program will begin at 7:30 pm, in the community room of the library, 25 Main Street.

Not only did women enlist in every branch of service open to them, serving around the world, they took the place of men at home. They organized bond and scrap drives, wrapped packages for GI Christmases, knitted and sewed.

But they also worked at traditionally “men’s” jobs: with very little formal training or time for apprenticeships, women became machinists, carpenters, meteorologists, radio broadcasters, farm workers, nurses, munitions specialists and, of course, riveters. They started with the mission to help their country and their friends and relatives in the war, and ended up proving their competence in thousands of roles previously held by men only.

Proving their competence gave women a status they had not had in this country at any time in the past. They were aware of their new capabilities, they were making their own decisions, and they were earning their own money, truly a New Woman.

As Hudie Ledbetter famously sang, though from a rather different point of view, in his “National Defense Blues,” “every payday would come, her check was big as mine.” Although the postwar years saw a return to a pre-war social milieu, the seeds were sown and women would not remain long in their old roles, even if paychecks have lagged.

John Cilio will use a large collection of vintage quotes, stories and photographs to document the chain of circumstances that propelled the nation to realize that women can be an overtly sustaining force within society. He will present an intriguing and surprising story of how women working in WWII changed the framework of how women would work in the future, and the workplace and marketplace would never be the same.

Mr Cilio made his career in marketing, but his deep interest in history has led to five books on aviation history and many articles and talks about women in WWII. His belief is that often the consequences of a historical incident or era were hidden from the participants, yet looking back one can begin to sense the full impact of their moments in time.

His talk will bring to question what contemporary women’s options would be if our nation had not experienced the conditions that unlocked so many new experiences and opportunities through wartime service.

All historical society programs are free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served following the presentation.

For further information please call 203-426-5937 or visit newtownhistory.org.

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