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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

No one ever said farming was easy, but life has become increasingly difficult for one farmer on Hundred Acres Road through a rash of what police call "coincidences" and Roger Gosselin calls "vandalism." Mr Gosselin reported to Newtown police



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No one ever said farming was easy, but life has become increasingly difficult for one farmer on Hundred Acres Road through a rash of what police call “coincidences” and Roger Gosselin calls “vandalism.” Mr Gosselin reported to Newtown police that someone apparently killed one of his piglets early Wednesday morning, October 1. On Saturday, the farmer discovered that a calf, worth about $800, had died from suffocation shortly after being let out to graze. “Either some sick person is wandering around, or someone has a grudge against me,” he said.


…this week’s Bee contains the latest addition to the paper, “Food.” But …the number of words written by our staff seems to be dwarfed by our newest piece of equipment. Early this year we set out to improve our operation through computers…and finally — just this week the screens were placed in front of the staff. In many ways the change is startling, the most obvious being the virtual total elimination of typewriters.


The Newtown Soccer Club’s candy and Christmas ornament sale is winding down this week. The response has been terrific and the NSC wishes to thank all the children, parents and coaches who have been so cooperative these past two weeks.


Tradition and the General statutes dictate that an Annual Town Meeting be held, and Newtown did so Monday evening, October 6 in the Edmond Town Hall gym at 8 pm. It took 90 seconds.


Firing at a human being is something no officer wants to do, but the 25-man Newtown Police Department is ready, as the officers completed a two-day modified Police Combat Course to qualify in the proper handling of firearms. Most of the officers and auxiliary qualify during their initial shooting drill, but if anyone doesn’t, they get extra coaching from Officer Stook.


The Conservation Commission and the town are working toward a head-on confrontation over whether the town must file an application for work activities in or near wetlands. The activity involved widening a road and installing culverts on Huntingtown Road.


“Dare to Influence” is the theme of the 1980-81 Newtown High School Key Club. Under the direction of president Brian Valentine, the organization will continue its efforts to be of assistance in the school and community. Recently the group sponsored a film about alcohol and drug abuse problems and helped the Newtown Police with their seminar of drug and alcohol issues.

October 14, 1955

The Horticulture Club of Newtown held its annual dinner meeting at the Nutmeg Inn, Brookfield Center, last Friday evening, October 7. After various matters of business were disposed of, Mr Brunot led the discussion and progress reports on the club’s outstanding project, the development of the Newtown Town Forestry into a wildlife and bird sanctuary.


Dr J. Benton Egee, town health officer, announced this week that the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis has extended the period for giving free Salk polio inoculations to eligible school children until November 1. In Newtown, the shots will be given the last week of October.


The Newtown Methodist Church is undergoing extensive renovations and some necessary repairs are being made as the result of action by the Official Board of the trustees.


A membership meeting of the Newtown Chamber of Commerce was held Monday evening at the Hawley Manor at 8 o’clock, with Rex Brown, executive vice president of the Waterbury Chamber of Commerce, as guest speaker, Mr Brown, gave an informative talk on the functioning of a Chamber of Commerce and various aspects of its work.


The teams of the Newtown Bowling League took this week off to allow for the refinishing of the alleys. With the work now completed, bowling will be resumed on Monday night.


Friends of Fred Bresson, Jr will be pleased to know that his condition was reported as “satisfactory” this Thursday morning at Danbury Hospital. Mr Bresson, who fell from a hay mow at a farm when his ladder broke last Thursday, October 6, was on the “critical” list at the hospital for several days.


COMPLETE LUNCHEON: 95 CENTS Soup du Jour or Juice, OPEN FACED CHOPPED SIRLOIN, Lettuce, Sliced Tomatoes, French Fried Potatoes, Pickles, Dessert, Coffee, Tea or Milk Other Luncheons up to $1.50 HAWLEY MANOR INN, Main Street, Newtown

October 10, 1930

 Game With Middlebury Called in 11th Inning. Last Sunday, Sandy Hook met Middlebury in the final game of the season at Pine Grove Park and after 11 red hot innings the game was called on account of darkness.


INTERESTED VOTER SUGGESTS WOMEN BE APPOINTED. On Commission Care For New Edmond Town Hall. Dear Editor:…It was the wish and expectation of Miss Hawley, the generous donor of the building, that it should belong to every citizen of the town, to be their pride and pleasure and to become a community center. I would therefore respectfully suggest, that if such a committee be appointed, three of its members be women, one each from the Congregational Church, Catholic and Episcopal churches….An Interested Voter


Of general interest to the people of this town is the announcement that Ruth Topping Beers will shortly open a school of dancing and deportment in Newtown. An opportunity will be offered for the people of this town to learn under so capable a leader as Mrs Beers.


RT REV CHANCEY B. BREWSTER AT TRINITY CHURCH. Bishop Brewster was greeted by the largest congregation that has assembled in Trinity church on a Sunday for years. It eclipsed in number of communicants that of last Easter, when the church was opened after redecoration.


On motoring to Newtown on Thursday morning, A.J. Crowe’s car struck a deer, which suddenly jumped in front of his car. The deer had three legs broken.


Al Fatool of the Sandy Hook Confectionery store has just installed a pool table in his place. A French chef has also been secured and regular dinners will now be served daily.

October 13, 1905

REV O.W. BARKER FORMALLY DISMISSED. The Fairfield East Consociation was called in session at the Congregational church, Newtown, Tuesday morning, to consider the resignation of Rev Otis W. Barker as pastor of the Newtown church. Allison P. Smith was called on as a delegate to speak for the Newtown church. He paid a high tribute to Mr Barker’s character and work.


The fair for the benefit of St Rose’s church will begin on the 21st at St Mary’s hall. There will be dancing, the sale of refreshments and the usual interesting canvass. Father Fox will start out, Monday morning, to canvass on two tons of coal.


It has been demonstrated that it is an engineering possibility to bring water to Newtown Street from a pond on land of John L. Hughes. Nothing is needed more in this town to boom it as a summer resort than a public water service, and THE BEE hopes this pleasing result may be accomplished.


Merchant H.H. Curtis is coming to the front as the expert hunter of Sandy Hook. He went out the other day on the tramp and bagged three partridges and six squirrels.


The New York & New Haven road have extensive improvements under way at the Newtown station. The work was brought about by a committee appointed by the Bi-centennial Executive committee. A large force of men are at work grading the bank west of the station. After this is done the sandy highway is to be covered with crushed stone.

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