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Letter Of Endorsement: Kassierer For Cruson And Ku



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To the Editor:

In fewer than two weeks, Newtowners will have the opportunity to vote. Let’s show that we care about our lives and the lives of our children by showing up at the polls. Turnout at our last municipal election was sadly less than half. Let’s turn that around on November 7th.

Let’s turn that around and vote Democratic. Why? Because the slate of Democratic candidates not only care about funding our schools, roads, buildings, and bridges; about security and smart development — but have viable, practical plans for doing so. Because Dan Cruson, who is running for First Selectman, and Michelle Embree Ku, his running mate, have a combined 17 years of experience with municipal government.

Both have been long-term public servants to Newtown.

Dan has served on the Board of Education for seven years. Michelle is currently serving on the Legislative Council and has served on numerous Boards and Commissions since being appointed to the Charter Revision Commission in 2012. She served for eight years on the Board of Education, the last four as chair.

Dan and Michelle care deeply about Newtown. Born and raised here, Dan has been a resident for 32 years. Michelle has lived here for 14 years and, like Dan, has raised her family here.

Having served on the Board of Education together, Dan and Michelle know they not only work well together, but successfully as well. Most importantly, Dan and Michelle will not let national politics and culture wars intrude on their mission — ensuring that Newtown is a safe, thriving, and inclusive community.

Please join me in supporting the future of Newtown by voting for them and the whole slate of Democratic candidates on November 7th. Vote Row A.


Sue Kassirer

Sandy Hook

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