To The Voters Of Connecticut<font size="3"> <br> By Gerald F. Romano</font>
To the Editor:
When thinking whom to vote for in our Connecticut Election on November 8, ask yourselves these questions:
Who voted to raise our taxes?
Who has spending out of control?
Who can't balance the budget?
Who gave pay raises when the state is in debt?
Who spent $300,000 for a road tax study?
There are too many career politicians. It's time for a smaller government.
There are politicians who talk and do nothing. It's time for a change. It's time for term limits. It's time to eliminate benefits to politicians. It's time to eliminate lifetime health insurance to politicians. It's time to eliminate unions in government.
If you want to help the State of Connecticut, then volunteer your time. When you're done, go back to your day job.
The politicians think we, the people of Connecticut, work for them.
The politicians have forgotten that they work for the American residents of Connecticut.
Get out and vote.
Gerald F. Romano, Jr
Romano Real Estate
38 Saugatuck Avenue, Westport ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ October 31, 2016