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Putting Your Garden To Rest For The Winter



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Putting Your Garden To Rest For The Winter

On November 9, Dan Holmes of Holmes Fine Gardens will be giving a presentation on putting gardens to rest for the winter.  The program is being sponsored by the Town and Country Garden Club of Newtown. It will begin at 7:30 pm at the Senior Center, on Riverside Road in Sandy Hook.

Mr Holmes’s lifelong love of gardening began when he was a little boy, working in his mother’s garden here in Newtown. He then worked for a famous rock garden enthusiast named Jim York before he eventually left to live in California, where he received a degree in horticulture as well as landscape design from California Polytech.

He then traveled all over Asia and Southeast Asia and taught in China for a year. But after awhile he missed the East Coast and moved back to Connecticut where he started his own business, Holmes Fine Gardens. This is a full service landscape design company that designs, constructs, and maintains residential gardens.

The program will focus on winter preparedness for ornamental gardens.

There are a number of things a homeowner should do in November, said Mr Holmes, but one of the most significant activities an avid gardener can engage in is reflecting and ruminating on what worked and what did not work in the past seasons so the landscape can then be rejuvenated in the spring.

“Gardening is 80 percent thinking and 20 percent doing,” said Mr Holmes.

He will use photographs, handouts and other material to help interested gardeners plan for the future.

The public is invited and the presentation is free. Join Town & Country members in what should prove to be an educational as well as entertaining evening.

For additional information contact Liz Arneth at 426-5359.

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