Critical Of Trump Executive Orders
To the Editor:
That Americans have elected to the country’s highest office a man who epitomizes cruelty, immorality, and an attitude that smacks of fascism (see Merriam-Webster for a definition) is appalling.
Every day since January 20, another edict has been handed down to tear apart functioning and critical government agencies, thoughtlessly placing thousands of Americans in limbo so far as job security and living situations are concerned. The health and well-being of all citizens is compromised by some of these actions.
Immigrants, whether criminal or awaiting appearances to allow legal entrance to this country, or here on temporary programs, are being deported to countries that do not always welcome them back and which may be life-threatening to them. (How ironic that this president is demanding other countries accept those he deems “criminals” while releasing 1,600 convicted criminals to our streets found guilty by juries of their peers.) That a country can be bullied into accepting deportees is not something of which we should be proud.
Rolling back standards that protect fragile ecosystems and slow climate change caused by human carelessness is a slap in the face to the entire world. The use of fossil fuels has contributed to global weather catastrophes — floods, droughts, wildfires, hurricanes. We have the knowledge and ability to embrace alternative energies that will make not only our country but countries worldwide safer. Must our grandchildren and great-grandchildren live in a world we would not suffer due to corporate greed and selfishness?
Not only have fellow Americans elected to overlook the current president’s lack of good character, but accept that humility, mercy, kindness, and courage will never be part of his (limited) vocabulary; that fear of retribution is better than standing up for what is morally right. Most elected legislators willingly sit on their hands while watching illegal actions take place in fear of losing their seats.
Shame on us. Shame on those members of the House and Senate who allow historic laws to be ignored, unleashing unknown consequences.
In Connecticut, we are fortunate to have two senators that believe in the Rule of Law and are standing up to their fellow legislators, who do not bow to the convicted felon seated in the Oval Office (and at the right hand of God, should one believe him).
Write to Senators Chris Murphy and Richard Blumenthal. Let them know their constituents support their efforts to maintain a civil, globally respected government.
Work at the local level to ensure there is no “trickle down” of unAmerican orders.
Demand that leaders adhere to obedience to the Constitution, and that disdain for the law will not be accepted, no matter how high the office.
Nancy Kelley Crevier
You are so right. We are clearly going down the wrong path.