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Parks 'Passports' Now Available



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Parks ‘Passports’ Now Available

By Kendra Bobowick

Amy Mangold is handing out passports. “It’s a new program, a passport to our parks,” she said.

As director of Newtown’s Parks and Recreation Department, she wants residents to explore the parks, visit the nature walks, set their footprints on the beach, and wander the town’s trails. “People need to know what they have here to enjoy — for free.” During a quick phone call Tuesday, she admitted to thoughts she has had for awhile, “How can we make people aware of what we have in Newtown?” Referring to Orchard Hill preserve and Eichler’s Cove — a recently acquired inlet off Lake Zoar offering a boat launch, picnic area, marina, and beach that will be resanded this year, Ms Mangold said, “People might not know we have a nature center or a beach.” She may be right.

Eichler’s cove was once a private marina, which opened to the public in recent seasons. Last year was the first time lifeguards staffed the beach and made available a swimming area other than the Treadwell Park pool. Beach passes this year will offer access to both facilities.

Passports coincide with an event schedule, in this case six listings starting April 3, with a flashlight Easter egg hunt for children age 9 and older beginning at 7:45 pm at Dickinson Park. Another hunt happens this weekend at Dickinson at 10 am April 4 for children between ages 3 and 8. Also planned for the coming months is a Grand Opening and Health Walk at the Fairfield Hills trails on May 2. Parks & Rec is encouraging residents to get a passport and attend activities at Dickinson Park, Treadwell Park, Lake Lillinonah, Eichler’s Cove, Fairfield Hills, and Orchard Hill Preserve.

Bring your passport, receive a stamp, and earn a prize for a completed passport. Learn more at Newtown-ct.gov, and select the Parks and Recreation Department page, or call the recreation office at 426-4340.

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